December 2024 to March 2025 Rotation


System Shadow of the Weird Wizard 

Game Master Andrew W

Venue: Glanville Hall Wednesday night

Shadow of the Weird Wizard is a fantasy roleplaying game in which you and your friends assume the roles of characters who explore the borderlands and make them safe for the refugees escaping the doom that has befallen the old country. Unsafe are these lands: the Weird Wizard released monsters to roam the countryside, cruel faeries haunt the shadows, undead drag themselves free from their tombs, and old, ancient evils stir once more. If the displaced people would rebuild their lives, they need heroes to protect them. 

The Indie Dozen

System: medley of indie story games 

Game Master James 

Venue: Glanville Hall Wednesday night

A medley of smaller-press story games. 

We'll hopefully try 

There'll be an emphasis on experimentation and bold stories. 

Every game will be only 1-3 sessions. 

Players are welcome to bring and run/facilitate things they are excited about. If you know you'll be away for a bit (e.g. Xmas) this is ideal because we don't have a long-term narrative. 


System D&D 5e

Game Master  Helen

Venue: Glanville Hall Wednesday night

d&d 5e


System: Warhammer Fantasy Role Play

Game Master Chris

Venue: Glanville Hall Wednesday night

WFRP 4e uses a D100 system with bonuses for targets, D10s are recommended. The system itself is mid/high-fantasy and far more brutal than D&D. Prepare to lose stats, fingers, limbs, sanity and characters on your adventure. It would be recommended to have a basic understanding of the lore at a high level, there are plenty of resources around for free that can be read in a few minutes 

Castle Falkenstein 

System Castle Falkenstein 

Game Master Liam

Venue: Glanville Hall Wednesday night


The game is set on an alternate earth, in the steampunk era of Victorian "New Europa" circa 1870. In addition to humans, New Europa is populated by creatures from fantasy such as dragons and faeries. Fictional characters such as Van Helsing can also be encountered.